13 Engaging Free Literary Fiction Kindle Books, Including The Italian Daughter by Soraya Lane, Deals!

Free Kindle Books – Literary Fiction

  1. *** Classics
  2. ***The Lost World (Repeat) by Arthur Conan Doyle. Price: Free. Genre: Classic, Mystery, Action & Adventure. Rated: 4.4 stars on 999 Reviews. 312 pages. ASIN: B085RL9QLP.
  3. ***To the Stars – A Classic Sci-Fi Adventure of Daring Space Exploration (Deal, Not Free) by L. Ron Hubbard. Price: $7.99. Genre: Space Exploration Classic SciFi Deal, Sponsor, What price do we pay for expanding our knowledge to the limit. Rated: 4.7 stars on 166 Reviews. 210 pages. ASIN: B00704TSCA. Also, get the eBook version here, and here, and the paperback version here, and here, please. Thank you! NY Times Bestselling Author L. Ron Hubbard.
  4. *** Literary Fiction
  5. ***The Italian Daughter (The Lost Daughters) by Soraya Lane. Price: Free. Genre: Literary Fiction, Historical. Rated: 4.4 stars on 999 Reviews. 296 pages. ASIN: B0B53Z9H3N.
  6. *(Free For Kindle Unlimited) Three Novels (Deal, Not Free) by Terezia Kontova. Price: $4.50. Genre: Literary Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Examine themes of identity, morality, and the human condition amidst violence and political turmoil. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 195 pages. ASIN: B0CYMCCCFH. Also, get the eBook version here, and the paperback version here, or here, please.
  7. *** Women’s Fiction
  8. ***Open Wounds by Prenisha Aja. Price: Free. Genre: African American Romance, Urban Fiction. Rated: 4.8 stars on 237 Reviews. 161 pages. ASIN: B091Z77ZFW.
  9. *Family of Farmers (Deal, Not Free) by Terezia Kontova. Price: $4.50. Genre: Women’s Fantasy Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Eric Hoffer Award Winner. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 183 pages. ASIN: B0CXJTLTNH. Also, get the eBook version here, and the paperback version here, please.
  10. *** African American
  11. *CURSE OF LINEAGE (Deal, Not Free) by PAUL AMADI. Price: $9.99. Genre: African American Spiritual Fiction Deal, Sponsor, The total commitments of family incest and morality. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 101 pages. ASIN: B0DQJVYZKW. Also, get the eBook version here, and here, the paperback version here, or here, please.
  12. *** Gay & Lesbian
  13. ***An Alpha For Two (SoCal Cuties Book 2) by Aspen Grey. Price: Free. Genre: Gay Romance, Genre Fiction, Gay Fiction. Rated: 4.2 stars on 161 Reviews. 142 pages. ASIN: B07NCL1TPX.
  14. *** Humor & Satire
  15. ***A Town Called Potato (Galactic Detective Agency Book 1) (Repeat) by Gary Blaine Randolph. Price: Free. Genre: Humor, Literature & Fiction. Rated: 4.3 stars on 132 Reviews. 206 pages. ASIN: B0893NG3D6.
  16. ***Head Fake – A Novel (Deal, Not Free) by Scott Gordon. Price: $0.99. Genre: Literary Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Kirkus Reviews Best Books of 2024, Scott Gordon writes with profound wit, candor and empathy about people on the edge, people who could just really use a few wins. Rated: 4.7 stars on 243 Reviews. 112 pages. ASIN: B0D73QFWYF. Also, get the eBook version here, and here, or here, please.
  17. *** Poetry
  18. *Where I began and Where I belong – Journeys – My Life and Spirit (Deal, Not Free) by Tyona Yashicka Shellow McGee-Ezeilo. Price: $4.95. Genre: Women’s African American Fiction Deal, Sponsor, A heartfelt and deeply introspective collection. Rated: 4.7 stars on 21 Reviews. 251 pages. ASIN: B0DS93QQCK.
  19. *Wind Chimes – Inspirational Poetry and Stories (Deal, Not Free) by Zelia. Price: $4.99. Genre: Love & Erotic Poetry Deal, Sponsor, Fantasy, Each page brings a new thought, curiosity, and adventure that will sure to leave you thinking on it throughout your day. Rated: 4.9 stars on 28 Reviews. 135 pages. ASIN: B0CG3LVXYQ. Also, get the eBook version here, and the paperback version here, or here, please.

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