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Free Kindle Books – Literary Fictions

  1. *** Contemporary Fiction
  2. **Owen by Kosh Ram. Price: Free. Genre: Contemporary Fiction, Parodies, Literature & Fiction. Rated: 4.7 stars on 53 Reviews. 188 pages. ASIN: B096X39MQ7.
  3. *** Classics
  4. ***Mansfield Park (Repeat) by Jane Austen. Price: Free. Genre: Classic, Literary Fiction, Literature & Fiction. Rated: 4.3 stars on 999 Reviews. 293 pages. ASIN: B076P8VQ95.
  5. *** Literary Fiction
  6. *Atlas Hugged by David Sloan Wilson. Price: Free. Genre: Literary Fiction, Metaphysical, Literature & Fiction. Rated: 4.2 stars on 35 Reviews. 396 pages. ASIN: B0C4GMJ7RV.
  7. *(Free For Kindle Unlimited) Three Novels (Deal, Not Free) by Terezia Kontova. Price: $4.50. Genre: Literary Fiction Box Set Deal, Sponsor, 3 Book Box Set, Secrets are revealed, blocks are broken, and mistakes are corrected, 2018 San Francisco Book Festival Honorable Mention. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 195 pages. ASIN: B0CYMCCCFH. Also, get the eBook version here, and the paperback version here, please.
  8. *** Women’s Fiction
  9. ***Champagne Widows (Champagne Widows Novels) (Repeat) by Rebecca Rosenberg. Price: Free. Genre: Women’s Fiction, Literary, Food & Wine. Rated: 4.5 stars on 837 Reviews. 333 pages. ASIN: B09D2HTJY9.
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  11. Kiana II – Love & War by Tamika Johnson. Price: Free. Genre: African American Fiction, Urban Fiction. Rated: 4.4 stars on 9 Reviews. 212 pages. ASIN: B0B8WPQPMD.
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  13. ***Heart of Fire (Dragon’s Mate Book 2) by Hope Bennett. Price: Free. Genre: Gay Romance, Fantasy, Literature & Fiction. Rated: 4.5 stars on 333 Reviews. 359 pages. ASIN: B08XZQ7NTQ.
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  16. *Did the Frail Have a Heater? by Larry Kahaner. Price: Free. Genre: Satire, Humor, Dark Comedy, Literature & Fiction. Rated: 4.4 stars on 18 Reviews. 300 pages. ASIN: B0CTNTC1VC.
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