Great Free Kindle Literary Fiction Books, Including The Secrets, Lies & Sacrifice by Ben Andrews, Deals!

Free Kindle Books – Literary Fiction

  1. *** Classics
  2. ***1984 (Repeat) by George Orwell. Price: Free. Genre: Classic, Historical Fiction, Literature & Fiction. Rated: 4.6 stars on 999 Reviews. 340 pages. ASIN: B0DZ3T73MG.
  3. *** Literary Fiction
  4. *Secrets, Lies & Sacrifice (Secrets and Lies Series Book 2) by Ben Andrews. Price: Free. Genre: Literary Fiction, Contemporary. Rated: 4.5 stars on 6 Reviews. 304 pages. ASIN: B0C3HWJLQY.
  5. *Family of Farmers (Paperback Deal, Not Free) by Terezia Kontova. Price: $13.12. Genre: Women’s Fantasy Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Eric Hoffer Award Winner. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 181 pages. ASIN: 1035833301. Also, get the eBook version here, and the paperback version here, please.
  6. *(Free For Kindle Unlimited) Three Novels (Deal, Not Free) by Terezia Kontova. Price: $4.50. Genre: Literary Fiction Deal, Sponsor, Examine themes of identity, morality, and the human condition amidst violence and political turmoil. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 195 pages. ASIN: B0CYMCCCFH. Also, get the eBook version here, and the paperback version here, please.
  7. *** Women’s Fiction
  8. *When Death Becomes Her by Kim Evans. Price: Free. Genre: Women’s Fiction, Paranormal & Urban. Rated: 4.4 stars on 12 Reviews. 207 pages. ASIN: B0D7M1879F.
  9. *** African American
  10. *The Professional Wife by Maryann Reid. Price: Free. Genre: African American Fiction, United States, Urban Fiction. Rated: 4.6 stars on 46 Reviews. 234 pages. ASIN: B0BKC7TV3V.
  11. *Where I began and Where I belong – Journeys – My Life and Spirit (Deal, Not Free) by Tyona Yashicka Shellow McGee-Ezeilo. Price: $9.99. Genre: Women’s Poetry Deal, Sponsor, Each poem is a window into her heart, reflecting universal emotions like love, loss, and the bittersweet beauty of growth. Rated: 4.7 stars on 22 Reviews. 251 pages. ASIN: B0DS93QQCK.
  12. *CURSE OF LINEAGE (Deal, Not Free) by PAUL AMADI. Price: $1.99. Genre: African American Fiction Deal, Sponsor, A legendary book of inspiration for Gen Z juveniles, youths and adults. Rated: 5 stars on 1 Reviews. 101 pages. ASIN: B0DQJVYZKW. Also, get the eBook version here, and here, please.
  13. *** Gay & Lesbian
  14. ***To Not Fall For My Doc (The Simple Rules Book 1) by Gianni Holmes. Price: Free. Genre: Gay Romance, Gay Fiction. Rated: 4.2 stars on 364 Reviews. 278 pages. ASIN: B0976GHX8Y.
  15. *** Humor & Satire
  16. *Just My Luck by Kylie Woodruff. Price: Free. Genre: Humor, Contemporary Fiction. Rated: 4.2 stars on 48 Reviews. 212 pages. ASIN: B0D322TP22.
  17. *** Poetry
  18. *Wind Chimes – Inspirational Poetry and Stories (Deal, Not Free) by Zelia. Price: $4.99. Genre: Inspirational Poetry Deal, Sponsor, Women’s Fiction, A stunning tapestry of poems and stories that resonate on multiple levels, a journey through emotion and insight. Rated: 4.9 stars on 28 Reviews. 135 pages. ASIN: B0CG3LVXYQ. Also, get the eBook version here, and the paperback version here, please.

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